Climbing for a Cure

Held by Neal Peacocke
Cypress Challenge 2024
$1,070.07 Raised
22 supporters
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Andrew Bruemmer
  2. Caitlin MacDonald
  3. Tyler Davis
  4. Casey Bivens
  5. Regina Fox
  6. Susan E Bruemmer
  7. Marten Hansen
  8. Maxx
  9. Amanda McCuaig
  10. Sean Peacocke
  11. David Hill
  12. Martin Espinoza
  13. Amy Gibson
  14. Chris
  15. Mike Dunn
  16. Anonymous
  17. Jennifer Greene
  18. Acam
  20. Daniel Wilkins
  21. Jordan Specht
  22. Stu Popp


On Sunday, July 30, I am cycling in the Cypress Challenge to help raise awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer research and care at BC Cancer. Unfortunately, the harsh realities of cancer impact us all in a variety of ways and will continue to threaten our quality of life. I believe that progress on this tremendous challenge is through consistent levels of awareness and supporting our amazing research and care community that take on this challenge everyday. We all lead busy lives and have to maintain balance with all aspects of our overall well-being, but with your help, BC Cancer can continue its vital work to break down this deadly disease. If this request is arriving at a time in your life that you are able to support, please consider making a donation.

Thanks in advance for your support. I'll be thinking of you all, as I slowly drag myself up this climb.


More background on pancreatic cancer: This year, more than 800 British Columbians will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Its projected that only 10 per cent (or 80 of those people diagnosed) will live five years. Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage and is often resistant to treatment. Although it is the tenth most common cancer in Canada, it is the fourth leading cause of cancer death. Unless more effective treatment strategies are found, pancreatic cancer in Canada is projected to become the second leading cause of cancer death by 2030.

Since 2008, Cypress Challenge has raised over $4 million and its thanks to the generosity of community members like you. Together, we can drive innovations in research and enhance care to benefit each person facing this disease.


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download