Love and Joy

Team Captain: Justin Stockwell
Cypress Challenge 2024
$18,422.00 Raised


We are cycling in the Cypress Challenge this Sunday, July 28th, to raise awareness and funding for pancreatic cancer research and care at BC Cancer.

We riding for our mom, wife, friend, Lee, who was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018. We are eternally grateful for the world class care and support that Lee has received from BC Cancer.

Lee benefited from the life saving and treatments at BC Cancer which were made possible through fund raising and donations directed at innovative and ground-breaking technologies including VERO stereotactic radiation therapy. She beat the odds and has survived six years past her initial diagnosis.

Unfortunately, we are now facing another round of diagnosis and treatment. As we face this new challenge, we know Lee will receive the best care possible thanks to the world class team at BC Cancer. We remain optimistic that treatment options will be available to her thanks to the innovation in research and treatment made possible by generous donors such as yourselves.

Please consider making a donation and joining our team!


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download